The final meeting of the WI year was our Christmas party, no speaker just an evening packed with a lot of laughter and friendship. And food, singing, food, mulled wine, some more food, several games, Secret Santa and some spectacular Christmas costumes.
The group has been successful in winning a bursary which will be used to organise training in British Sign Language.
Our first meeting in the New Year will see us welcoming Bill Slee to talk about his life as a vet and we are looking forward to our annual birthday meal at The Royal on the 14th of January to kick off our 100th year celebrations.
Several members (some of whom were in the now sadly defunct WI singing group) have joined a recently formed choir in the village and have been performing at some of the Christmas events in Parkham.
Our walking group is continuing with twice monthly rambles, the latest two being Instow and Tamar Lakes. Dogs and humans seem to love the walks and perhaps the cafe visits afterwards even more. The short mat bowls and skittles taster evening at Alwington was a success, many thanks to the club members who hosted us and who were very patient with some outright beginners.
New members are always warmly welcomed.
If you would like to know more about our WI or wish to join us in the New Year please contact Christine, our President a