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Parkham Parish

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The Parish Clerk

The Parish Clerk

Tracy Rinaldi 

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07752 512651

The Clerk to Parkham Parish Council fulfils the roles of the Proper Officer and the Responsible Finance Officer. The Clerk issues public notices and provides information and advice to enable the Council to make effective, constructive and lawful decisions. The Clerk also guides the Council in forming required policies and procedures, implements the Council’s resolutions as well as making decisions where delegated to do so within the Parish Council's resolved policies.

The Clerk is usually the Council’s first point of contact and engages with parishioners, contractors, suppliers, and Councillors and staff at the District and County Councils.

The Clerk is responsible for all financial management including submitting the Precept, managing the budget and bank accounts, handling all receipts and payments, preparing and participating in both internal and external audits. 

In consultation with the Chair, the Clerk prepares the Parish Council agendas and all supporting material such as reports, financial information, correspondence and notices. During the meeting, the Clerk may advise Councillors on governance and procedure, draw attention to relevant facts and ensure decisions are lawful whilst remaining unbiased and objective. Having attended the meeting, the Clerk produces the minutes and implements all decisions.            

In order to ensure the Clerk’s knowledge and understanding remains current, the Council is a member of the Devon branch of the National Association of Local Councils and the Clerk is a member of the Society of Local Council Clerks.