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Parkham Parish

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Planning Applications

Planning Applications

A planning application is made to the district council it is allotted a unique number and is placed on the council website for public scrutiny. A planning officer is allocated to the application.

Copies of all documents relating to the application are sent to the appropriate Parish Council. At their next meeting the Parish Council will discuss the application and recommend it for approval or refusal. The Parish Council, in this case, does not have decision making powers, it is purely consultative. 

In Parkham one or two councillors will visit the site prior to the council meeting and will report back their findings. It is possible for anybody to comment, either in opposition or in support of an application, to the planning department in writing. These comments will be published on the website in relation to the application. Comments will be taken into account by the Parish and District Councils.

In the case of most applications a decision on planning permission is made by the officers but in the case of larger applications these are made by a committee of district councillors.