Parkham WI 1924 -2024
Is a thriving and diverse group of approaching 50 members ranging in age from early 30s to over 90.
Part of ...

St.James Parkham Parish Church
Parkham church (St. James) is mainly a 15th century structure, with early 16th century aisles. It has a fine late Norman S. doorway (c. 1160-70), and a Norman font ...

Bucks Mill
Bucks Mill is a picturesque village perched on the cliffs of North Devon Coast,lies a few miles east of Clovelly.Bucks Mill has been trapped in a bygone age, immune to modern trappings. ...

Northam Burrows Country Park
Northam Burrows Country Park lies at the western edge of the Taw Torridge Estuary, within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, forming an integral part of North ...

Tapeley Park
Tapeley House and Gardens are located in the parish of Westliegh near the picturesque village of Instow. It is a delightful estate sit high on a hill overlooking the River Torridge and ...

Hartland Abbey
Welcome to our Hartland Abbey . Every penny spent by visitors, after the dreaded VAT, goes into the maintenance of the house and gardens and to employing the wonderful people so ...

Hartland Quay
Hartland Quay, perched on the rugged Atlantic coast of Devon, is a captivating spot that combines natural beauty with historic intrigue. The towering cliffs rise 350 feet above sea ...