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Parkham Parish

Come visit our lovely Parish, enjoy our surrounding countryside

Category: Parish Council
Number of Subcategories: 6
folderParish Council
Subcategories: 6
Files: 0
folder0Meeting Agenda
Subcategories: 10
Files: 98

List of all recent Parish Council Meeting Agendas filed by year.  Please click the appopriate folder below for the year that you require.

folder1Minutes of Meetings
Subcategories: 10
Files: 91

List of all recent Parish Council Minutes of Meeting filed by year.  Please click the appopriate folder below for the year that you require.

NB Minutes of the most recent meeting should be regarded as a draft until after the following meeting when they may be be adjusted as necessary and agreed by councillors. Any subsequent changes can be seen in the minutes under item 4 (approval of minutes).

folder2Parish Accounts
Subcategories: 0
Files: 0

List of all recent Parish Council Accounts filed by year.  Please click the appopriate folder below for the year that you require.

Subcategories: 2
Files: 49

These are the current adopted policies of Parkham Parish Council. 



Subcategories: 9
Files: 45
Subcategories: 1
Files: 4

No files are available yet for this category.